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Coherence and Uncertainty in Nanostructured Organic Photovoltaics. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 4:2264-2268.
2013. Charge formation, recombination, and sweep-out dynamics in organic solar cells. Advanced Functional Materials. 22:1116–1128.
2012. Influence of Processing Additives on Charge-Transfer Time Scales and Sound Velocity in Organic Bulk Heterojunction Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 3:1253-1257.
2012. Photoinduced Charge Generation in a Molecular Bulk Heterojunction Material. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134:19828-19838.
2012. Identifying a Threshold Impurity Level for Organic Solar Cells: Enhanced First-Order Recombination Via Well-Defined PC84BM Traps in Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials. 21:3083-3092.
2011. Solution-processed small-molecule solar cells with 6.7% efficiency. Nature Materials. 11:44–48.
2011. Spontaneous Formation of Bulk Heterojunction Nanostructures: Multiple Routes to Equivalent Morphologies. Nano Letters. 11:1036-1039.
2011. Recombination in polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells. Physical Review B. 82:245207.
2010. Semiconducting polymers: the third generation. Chemical Society Reviews. 39:2354–2371.
2010. Bulk heterojunction solar cells with internal quantum efficiency approaching 100%. Nature Photonics. 3:297–302.
2009. High-detectivity polymer photodetectors with spectral response from 300 nm to 1450 nm. Science. 325:1665–1667.
2009. Nonlinear transport in semiconducting polymers at high carrier densities. Nature Materials. 8:572–575.
2009. Nonlinear transport in semiconducting polymers at high carrier densities. Nature Materials. 8:572–575.
2009. “Columnlike” Structure of the Cross-Sectional Morphology of Bulk Heterojunction Materials. Nano Letters. 9:230–234.
2008. Processing additives for improved efficiency from bulk heterojunction solar cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130:3619–3623.
2008. Efficiency enhancement in low-bandgap polymer solar cells by processing with alkane dithiols. Nature Materials. 6:497–500.
2007. Efficient tandem polymer solar cells fabricated by all-solution processing. Science. 317:222–225.
2007. Light emission from an ambipolar semiconducting polymer field-effect transistor. Journal of Applied Physics. 102
2007. Semiconducting and metallic polymers: the fourth generation of polymeric materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 105:8475–8491.
2001. Ultrafast photogeneration of charged polarons in conjugated polymers. Physical Review B. 64:081201.
2001. Large-area, full-color image sensors made with semiconducting polymers. Advanced Materials. 10:1431–1434.
1998. Semiconducting polymer distributed feedback lasers. Applied Physics Letters. 72:1536–1538.
1998. Semiconducting polymer distributed feedback lasers. Applied Physics Letters. 72:1536–1538.
1998. Semiconducting polymers: a new class of solid-state laser materials. Science. 273:1833–1836.
1996. Semiconducting polymers: a new class of solid-state laser materials. Science. 273:1833–1836.