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Polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells. Science. 269:1086–1088.
1995. .
1995. .
1995. Ultrafast spectroscopic studies of photoinduced electron transfer from semiconducting polymers to C_60. Physical Review B. 50:18543.
1994. Flexible light-emitting diodes made from soluble conducting polymers. Nature. 357:477–479.
1992. Photoinduced electron transfer from a conducting polymer to buckminsterfullerene. Science. 258:1474–1476.
1992. Solitons in conducting polymers. Reviews of Modern Physics. 60:781.
1988. Soliton excitations in polyacetylene. Physical Review B. 22:2099.
1980. X-ray scattering study of one-dimensional lattice dynamics in Hg_3-δAsF_6. Phys. Rev. B. 21:3110–3118.
1980. Electrical conductivity in doped polyacetylene. Physical Review Letters. 39:1098–1101.
1977. Optical properties of linear-chain mercury compounds. Phys. Rev. B. 15:4607–4613.